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★★ FluxMU ★★ ——▬◘lll█ ★★★ABRE MAÑANA SERVER 100% NO FO ITEMS - TE VOLVERÁS LOCO★★★ █lll◘

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★★ FluxMU ★★ ——▬◘lll█ ★★★ABRE MAÑANA SERVER 100% NO FO ITEMS - TE VOLVERÁS LOCO★★★ █lll◘ Empty ★★ FluxMU ★★ ——▬◘lll█ ★★★ABRE MAÑANA SERVER 100% NO FO ITEMS - TE VOLVERÁS LOCO★★★ █lll◘

Post by Invitado Thu Feb 02, 2017 4:20 am

★★ FluxMU ★★ ——▬◘lll█ ★★★ABRE MAÑANA SERVER 100% NO FO ITEMS - TE VOLVERÁS LOCO★★★ █lll◘ JkhttyU

FluxMU - The New Adventure

MAKE YOU ACCOUNT! , And join the new Adventure, make for you Wink!

OPENING: 03/02/2017

* Site Web:
* Create Account:
* Download Game:

* Version: 1.04E [Season 6]
* Experience: 400x [Dynamic]
* Item Drop: 35% 
* Reset Level: 400
* Resets Points:
* Keep Stast: YES 
* Resets Price: 100,000,000 
* BlesBug: OFF
* Reconect System: HOT NEW*
* Monster HP: 100% 
* Spots: 6/6 Server VIP 8/8
* Shops: Good Items
* Grand Reset: Every 100 Resets ( With Good Reward)

* Magic Gladiator: 230 
* Dark Lord: 250
* Summoner: 280
* Rage Fighter: 300

* Jewel Of Soul success rate with luck & without luck: 90% - 70%
* Jewel Of Bless success rate with luck & without luck: 90% - 70%
* Jewel Of Life success rate: 80%
* Jewel Of Harmony success rate: 80%
* Jewel Of Creation success rate: 80%
* Jewel Of Guardian success rate: 80%
* Jewel Of Gem Stone success rate: 80%
* Jewel Of Refining Low & High success rate: 80%
* Jewel Of Chaos successs rate: 80%
* Packing and Unpacking Soul & Bless successs rate: 80%
* Item +10 success: 90%
* Item +11 success: 80%
* Item +12 success: 70%
* Item +13 success: 60%
* Item +14 success: 50%
* Item +15 success: 40%

* /addstr [Add points in Strength] 
* /addagi [Add points in Agility] 
* /addvit [Add points in Vitality] 
* /addene [Add points in Energy] 
* /addcmd [Add points in command] 
* /guild  [You can give Invitation for a Guild] 
* /post [Write for global] 
* /party [You join a party] 
* /pkclear [Clear you Killers] 
* /ware [Open you Warehouse] 
* /store [Open you personal Shop] HOT NEW
* /offtrade [You leave your store open, but your character is disconnected] HOT NEW
* /attack [You leave your character attacking automatically] HOT NEW
* /offattack [You let your character level up while your account is out of the game] HOT NEW
* /marry [your married with other character]

* Battle Soccer: Online 
* Blood Castle: Online 
* Blue Event: Online 
* Castle Siege: Online 
* Chaos Castle: Online 
* Cherry Blossom: Online 
* CryWolf Event: Online 
* Devil Square: Online 
* Double Goer: Online 
* Duel: Online 
* Imperial Guardian: Online 
* Gens Family: Online 
* Golden Archier: Online 
* Golden Invacion: Online
* Guild War: Online
* HalloWeen Event:  Online
* Happy Hour:  Online
* Illucion Temple:  Online 
* Dragones Rojos: Online 
* Kalima Event:  Online
* Kanturu Event: Online 
* La Cleon: Online 
* Loren Deep: Online 
* Luck Coin: Online 
* Moss The Gambler: Online 
* New Year´s Day: Online 
* Santa Village: Online 
* Sky Event: Online 
* Summer Event: Online 
* Swamp Of Peace: Online 
* White Wizard: Online

★★ FluxMU ★★ ——▬◘lll█ ★★★ABRE MAÑANA SERVER 100% NO FO ITEMS - TE VOLVERÁS LOCO★★★ █lll◘ K3Oo5o7

★★ FluxMU ★★ ——▬◘lll█ ★★★ABRE MAÑANA SERVER 100% NO FO ITEMS - TE VOLVERÁS LOCO★★★ █lll◘ LDkRvO6

★★ FluxMU ★★ ——▬◘lll█ ★★★ABRE MAÑANA SERVER 100% NO FO ITEMS - TE VOLVERÁS LOCO★★★ █lll◘ VhgJXMD

★★ FluxMU ★★ ——▬◘lll█ ★★★ABRE MAÑANA SERVER 100% NO FO ITEMS - TE VOLVERÁS LOCO★★★ █lll◘ 2OfKiYA

★★ FluxMU ★★ ——▬◘lll█ ★★★ABRE MAÑANA SERVER 100% NO FO ITEMS - TE VOLVERÁS LOCO★★★ █lll◘ 0YpmeVh

★★ FluxMU ★★ ——▬◘lll█ ★★★ABRE MAÑANA SERVER 100% NO FO ITEMS - TE VOLVERÁS LOCO★★★ █lll◘ NOruLNr

★★ FluxMU ★★ ——▬◘lll█ ★★★ABRE MAÑANA SERVER 100% NO FO ITEMS - TE VOLVERÁS LOCO★★★ █lll◘ 7EI5N2o

★★ FluxMU ★★ ——▬◘lll█ ★★★ABRE MAÑANA SERVER 100% NO FO ITEMS - TE VOLVERÁS LOCO★★★ █lll◘ ONfG5zD

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